I sit behind my computer as per usual on this most auspicious of days,and I am hit with some reality. There are so many things to think about. Bills, kids, whether or not you remembered to lock your door this morning. Do you have milk in the house? Better grab another bag just in case. Is today Thursday? I can't remember.
The feeling you get from all of this junk swirling around your head is called anxiety. It is to me, anyway. It's rough to think that every day everyone is dealing with a million things and you would never know. This is why I've made an unorthodox, yet brilliant(kind of) list of things I should be focusing on this year. If it isn't on my list, I try not to worry too much about it.
We will start off with this:
Personal Happiness
First and foremost, my personal happiness will come first. If one is not happy, one must change that. I can't tell you the amount of times I've cried over spilled milk, my chicken didn't turn out the way it should have! So I've decided to put a halt to over working my brain over things I cannot change. If you do not contribute to your own personal happiness, how can you expect others to do so?
What is it that makes you happy? For me it's fresh air, a good Netflix movie, snuggles with the babe. Freedom, energy, yoga, food. I incorporate all of this into my daily life, including writing this blog, and I must say, I am happier for it.
Do what makes you happy, no matter what. It's not up to other people, as I've said before, the world owes you nothing. You owe yourself everything and more. Personal fulfilment comes from within, not from what is around you.
I know, I know. Groan and mumble. Money isn't everything, blah blah. To me, I feel as though having a good grip on my wealth means happiness. Knowing my bills are paid, and I have food in the fridge, that there's enough left over to go to dinner and maybe save a little. I've said once or twice in previous blogs that I'm not fantastic with saving money, I use the "jar" method. I work with cash and then save what is left over after giving both myself and hubby an allowance.
Find what works for you. If it's ten dollars a week for the next year, save it. you'll have much more than you started with.
Take Pleasure in Pleasure
When I was young, I didn't need to remind myself to have fun at the fair, or to enjoy that tiny little road trip to the local Denny's. I didn't need to remind myself to be excited at Christmas, or to enjoy that kiss from Grandma. Nowadays I find myself worrying more about how much the fair cost me, or how much gas we used up going to hike in the Pinery National Park. I need to breathe, learn to love these little things and not stress so much over the small details.
Take Pride in the Things You Do Well
This has always been a bit of a struggle for me. I'm one heck of a good cook but I'll never openly admit it. I might be great at a variety of things, I just don't know. Making dinner is one of my favourite hobbies, I will learn to take more pride in that. As a person, you need to identify and focus in on what makes you, well, you.
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