
Sunday, 20 March 2016

A Mother.

                                             My mother, to be exact.
I don't wish to bad-mouth her, I do love my mum. I just read a blog about toxic parents, mothers specifically. It's brought me to realize I have one of those toxic relationships with my mother.

It's difficult to live with a parent who has so many issues of their own. I've dealt with things like attempted suicide, and fibromyalgia, bi polar, among many others. I've seen my mother go through all this and more.
Don't get me wrong, I had a roof over my head and food in my stomach, she never hit me. It was, however, traumatizing. Nowadays my mother is a handful. She over exaggerates. She lies. She makes everything much more dramatic than it needs to be.

I do what every good daughter should do, I love her through everything she's put me through. I am there for her when she needs me, although she'd say otherwise.

That was the point of the article I read. That they think you're responsible for their happiness, that it's your job as a daughter or son to keep them above water. It's toxic. They don't respect your boundaries, which is more than true in my case. I guess she could be much worse, but the times I've sat and cried because she's the way she is I can't count.

It's not fair, I hope this article does not offend her. That shouldn't be a fear of mine. I shouldn't be afraid of hurting her feelings. I can't be scared to tell her the truth anymore. There's times when she's a child, and I'm the adult. A lot of people say I should cut her off.

The problem is, I can't. She's my mother, I love her. As I should.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
-Robert Frost

I believe that everything happens for a reason. There's nothing in this world that doesn't boil down to fate. It's either meant to happen, or it just won't. Good or bad, things always go the way they are supposed to and there's nothing you can do to change that. Everything that has ever happened to me has led me somewhere better, and I can't ignore that fact. Think about your life. It's always persevered over obstacles you probably thought were impossible to overcome at the time. 
You might not understand this now, but a year down the road you'll be looking back so proud of yourself for making it through. This is how I view my injury as well. There's got to be something great down the road now. I've been granted time to find myself and experiment with hobbies. I've learned that I enjoy adult colouring books and cross stitching. I love social media and creating websites. So now I'm considering school for web development and social media. I really think I'll be good at that. Just look at me go, right? All from the comfort of my wheelchair. 
Tragedies happen. It's the sad truth we live with. It happened to me, it could happen to anyone. It's all in the way you take the news. All in how you respond or react. You could sit there and wallow, self pitying and sad. Why, though? There's no point in doing such a thing and there's no satisfaction in remorse and depression. 
I did have my moments, I'll admit. Moments where I cried, the pain was too much. Today I have come to terms with the needs of my recovery and am gliding along hoping for the best. 
At least it will lead me somewhere. Who knows where the road ends. I know only one thing, I'll be with him.